3 Powerful Ways Deal Intelligence Will Help You Close More in 2020

Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 10 AM PT | 1 PM ET


Amy Jeschke

Amy Jeschke
Manager, Velocity Sales
Genesys Logo

Mike Bullard

Mike Bullard
Manager, Mid-Market Sales
Lever Logo


Sumeru Chatterjee
Head of Customer Enablement

Do you really know whether a forecasted deal will reach the finish line?

The sad truth is that less than half of forecasted deals actually close. That’s because most sales leaders rely on anecdotes, opinions, and spotty CRM data to figure out what’s going on in a deal. But what if you could separate fact from fiction?

Join this webinar to find out how you can harness the power of Deal Intelligence to know which deals need attention, work with your team on unblocking those deals, and deliver more accurate forecasts up the chain.

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Learn

Identify at-risk deals and course correct

Get a holistic view of what’s going on in your pipeline so you can quickly identify at-risk deals. Drill down to a specific deal and proactively identify trouble spots to keep deals moving forward.

Supercharge your pipeline reviews

Would you rather spend your pipeline reviews trying to piece together what happened in the past in a deal, or work with your rep on deal strategy and coaching?

Deliver accurate forecasts

Quickly understand which deals are healthy and which ones are at risk of stalling, so you can now have much more confidence in the accuracy of your forecasts.

Sign Up Before It's Too Late


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